Where Can I Serve?
Jesus told us, his disciples, to make disciples of all nations. One of the most important values of Jennings Methodist Church is our mission to go out and make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Here at the Jennings Methodist Church, we are warm, loving, and accepting community of believers who strive to serve others in the example of Christ through Worship, instruction and loving outreach.
Outreach Ministries
Jennings Methodist Church Outreach Ministries is a very important ministry of this church. We collect donations every month on the altar rail for Communion to give to certain outreach projects.
The Jennings Methodist Chancel Choir is an integral part of the Worship experience. The choir meets weekly at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday evenings to rehearse music for Worship services. The choir provides an anthem, special music, during the offertory each week. On communion Sundays, the choir often sings a special piece of music while the congregation receives the elements. Each Christmas and most Easters, the choir prepares a special presentation (Cantata) for one Worship service during those seasons. These Cantata’s are a beautiful way for our members to be able to present the Word of God through music and narration.
The usher team at Jennings Methodist Church fills an important role. They are involved in directing attendees to their seats, ensuring the safety of the building during services, guiding traffic, helping visitors, answering questions, providing direction, unlocking doors, locking doors, and generally ensuring that the service can proceed problem-free. The usher team is a group of men with servants’ hearts whose ministry is integral to church life.
Our children and youth participate weekly in worship by serving as acolytes. Bringing in the light of Christ (at the beginning of the service) and carrying it out to the world (at the end of the service) is a great honor and a wonderful opportunity for our younger members to serve in worship in a meaningful way.
Jesus said, “Let the children come to me…” At JMC, children’s ministry needs, and volunteer opportunities vary greatly. Our Sunday school curriculum is designed for a variety of groupings. The lessons are planned throughout the entire year. Volunteers to facilitate/lead the children’s class are needed weekly. We need two adults each week for Sunday school class. On the Sundays that we have our younger church members present (birth to Pre-K), we need one adult to assist our youth volunteer in the nursery. Each week, the Sunday school lessons have an object lesson that we will use in our 10:30 worship service at the children’s message time. We need a volunteer each week for this, too.
There are three different ways you can serve in Children’s Ministry at JMC. We would love to allow you an opportunity to be blessed as you are a blessing to our youngest members. Please contact the church office for additional information.
Vacation Bible School
Each summer, Jennings Methodist Church hosts a Vacation Bible School. We had to cancel VBS for 2020 due to COVID. Normally, the week-long event involves games, great food, music, and awesome Bible lessons that help children will learn more about Jesus. Vacation Bible School is usually held in June every summer in the evening from 5pm-8pm which requires many volunteers, and everyone that volunteers to serve in this wonderful ministry walks away blessed for having served! Please take this next year to pray for our 2021 VBS and to prayerfully consider volunteering in some way to help make next year’s VBS a success for the Lord.
CHILDREN’S Ministries
Our children’s and youth programs at the Jennings Methodist Church are both very important ministries. We have a children’s Sunday school class each week that first begins at 9:15 in the sanctuary before moving upstairs for our lessons. Children are also invited to participate weekly in worship through serving as an acolyte, singing with the Junior Choir, and in special presentations for special Sundays throughout the year.
Youth Ministries Programs
Youth programs at the Jennings Methodist Church plays a very important role of keeping our youth of our church involved with learning more about how to become disciples of Jesus Christ. We take our youth on retreats, summer trips, mission trips, where they can be involved with the community and learn how to grow into young men and women who will live their life for Christ. We have two youth programs; we have a pre-teen group “Youth Rising” 5th-8th grade group and “Youth on Fire” are Sr. High Group 9th-12th grade group they both meet on Sunday evenings from 4:00pm-5:30pm. Our pre-teen group is led by Sarah Crochet & Erin Precht and our Sr. High group is led by Crystal Benoit & Kim Precht. We also have Sunday School Classes on Sunday mornings at 9:15am.
Methodist Women Group
The Jennings Methodist Women meet once every other month on the second Thursday at 5:00 a.m. They usually have a light refreshments before their meeting.